Relaxxx – Magnesium bicarbonate
Superior bioavailable and absorbable Magnesium for the body
Balance with Magnesium Bicarbonate
Magnesium plays an important role in more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. It contributes to normal functioning of the nervous system and muscles, plays a role in bone formation, supports energy metabolism, and helps maintain the normal balance of the body’s water and mineral balance. Magnesium contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue. An adult body contains approximately 25 g of magnesium, of which 50% to 60% is present in the bones, and the remainder in soft tissues. In daily work and sports efforts, magnesium is used in the muscles and promotes energy metabolism. Magnesium and Calcium in the body are antagonists. This means that a high concentration of Magnesium helps the body to excrete Calcium stored in tissue and organs.
Bicarbonate regulates acidity
In addition to consuming magnesium, the muscles produce acids as waste products. These substances must be removed from the body. Research has shown that a body functions optimally when the pH is slightly alkaline. A proper blood pH is therefore very important for all physiological processes in the body, including the use of nutrition, vitamins and minerals. The optimal pH is 7.4.
Bicarbonates are the main transporters of oxygen in the body and also act as a buffer to regulate pH. The bicarbonate that we consume usually comes in the form of sodium. However, a large sodium intake is also not recommended. Much of our diet has an acidifying effect on our body, and the body’s solution is to produce bicarbonate itself to raise the pH. However, due to our current diet, aging and stress factors, this is not possible and the entire body becomes acidic.
And this is exactly where Relaxxx Drink fits in, a unique combination of bicarbonate to combat acidification of the body, together with a high concentration of soluble Magnesium.

Relaxxx Magnesium bicarbonate (50 g/l)€ 24,95 – € 43,58 excl. VAT
Relaxxx Magnesium bicarbonate (35 g/l)€ 21,50 – € 37,26 excl. VAT
RelaXXX water is unique in that both minerals which are needed by the body but rarely found together in nature are now combined in one bottle. The bottle is a concentrated stock solution, containing 35 g/L Magnesium Bicarbonate. With a daily use of 30 ml RelaXXX diluted in 1 liter (carbonated) mineral water (preferably with as less Calcium and Sodium as possible), you provide your body with 1,06 gram soluble Magnesium bicarbonate per day.