Insulin Resistance combi Analysis
A combined determination of insulin and glucose in blood for determining the HOMA 2 index
Insulin Resistance combi Analysis
The combined determination of insulin and glucose in the blood makes it possible to determine the so-called HOMA index; an indicator of the degree of Insulin Resistance. It is often difficult to have this determination carried out through general practitioners, because they are reluctant to cooperate.
Early detection of insulin resistance
The rise of diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2) is increasing rapidly worldwide and this also applies to the Netherlands. If policy remains unchanged, it is estimated that the number of people diagnosed with diabetes mellitus will increase from 740,000 in 2007 to 1.3 million in 2025. However, the development of DM2 can be delayed or even prevented by lifestyle guidance in people at high risk of diabetes. disease. For example, the Dutch ‘Study on Lifestyle Intervention and Impaired Glucose Tolerance Maastricht’ (SLIM) found a reduction in the incidence of diabetes mellitus of almost 60% in participants who completed a 3-year lifestyle intervention.
The standard approach within conventional medicine is physiologically incorrect because general practitioners generally focus unilaterally on measuring glucose levels in the blood. However, an increase in insulin production can already be observed 10-20 years before an increase in blood glucose levels. Insulin resistance is the cause, and a rise in blood glucose levels years later is the result.

An analysis demonstrating different risks
An increased Ca/Mg ratio (Lifestyle ratio) and sugar sensitivity in the Hair Mineral Analysis, but also your BMI, are reason for us to have a series of blood values determined that determine the presence, extent and degree of insulin resistance and its consequences. of it in terms of low-grade inflammation and risk of cardiovascular disease. The combined determination of insulin, C-peptide and glucose in the blood makes it possible to determine the so-called HOMA index. The HOMA index is an index that indicates the presence and degree of insulin resistance.
Insulin resistance is often accompanied by a systemic inflammatory activity that we call ‘low-grade inflammation’. High-sensitive CRP is a good parameter to determine this.
Antibodies against oxidized LDL cholesterol are an important indicator of cardiovascular disease.
Homocysteine is a major risk factor for insulin resistance, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, susceptibility to hip fractures and various psychiatric disorders.
The results of the analysis are displayed in easy-to-read overviews. This offers the therapist and the client great ease of use.
THE HOMA-2 index
The HOMA calculation is derived from RIA insulin and C-peptide in a UK population of 299 and 383 non-diabetic men and women with a mean age of approximately 50 years, using university-based insulin and C-peptide assays of Oxford were used between 1996 and 1998. The University of Oxford computer model is used to determine insulin sensitivity (%S) and beta cell function (%B) based on paired fasting plasma glucose and RIA insulin, specific insulin or C- peptide concentrations over a range of 1–2,200 pmol/l for insulin and 1–25 mmol/l for glucose.
In case of a diagnosed Diabetes type II, we use the HOMA2 calculation with the glucose and the insulin value. In non-diabetics we use glucose and C-peptide.
A therapist will receive an extensive report and you will be trained by us in the interpretation.
A consumer receives a comprehensible report with a video explanation.
Order the Insulin Resistance combi Analysis
The Insulin Resistance combi Analysis can be ordered by therapists who, once registered with us, can order this analysis via our webshop. We take care of the contact with the lab, the client can have blood drawn via an injection clinic in his environment. The report is provided by us and prepared in the My Health platform or made available separately.
The Insulin Resistance combi analysis can also be requested by consumers who are actively concerned with their health and vitality and are not being treated by a therapist. The report is written in a simple language.