Control the balance between stress and recovery

The HRV Lifestyle Analysis is a unique way to measure stress and recovery on a daily basis. For example, the stress and recovery reports show whether a person recovers sufficiently over a 24-hour period, and whether the food and drink consumed during the day is sufficient to recover well during sleep.


72 hours Lifestyle Assessment

A normal working day is usually characterized by a series of activities. For this we are in stress or active mode. The body uses energy and reserves to perform its activities. In other words, the cost side of the balance sheet. There must be sufficient and high-quality recovery in return. Sufficient sleep, moments of relaxation and short breaks are of great importance for this. Most people are usually well able to point out the stress factors in their daily lives. Rarely, however, is someone able to correctly assess whether there is sufficient recovery in return. And in the end it’s not about the total stress, but about whether there is sufficient recovery

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